Our Products
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Click product image for more detailed information. PLEASE LIMIT EACH ORDER TO 5 JARS. This ensures our product arrives as fresh as possible in the timeliest manner.
Orders are shipped EVERY TUESDAY.
Q: Why is shipping so expensive?
A: In order to ensure the highest quality and freshness to our customers, our shipping requires special shipping boxes packed with ice. We also do 2-day shipping to maintain the integrity of our products. If you have any questions, please contact us on our Contact page.
Our Full Line of Products
More items available soon! Please check back again later!
Napa Cabbage Kimchi
​White Napa Cabbage Kimchi
Cucumber Kimchi
​Radish Kimchi
Seasonal Kimchi from local farms
Bulgogi Marinade (Korean Beef BBQ)
​Spicy Bulgogi Marinade